[. . . ] GARMIN Corporation hereby grants permission to download a single copy of this manual and of any revision to this manual onto a hard drive or other electronic storage medium to be viewed and to print one copy of this manual or of any revision hereto, provided that such electronic or printed copy of this manual or revision must contain the complete text of this copyright notice and provided further that any unauthorized commercial distribution of this manual or any revision hereto is strictly prohibited. GARMIN reserves the right to change or improve its products and to make changes in the content without obligation to notify any person or organization of such changes. B Printed in Taiwan. Thank You! INTRODUCTION About This Manual Thank you for choosing the GARMIN GPS III Pilot --the smallest, easiest-to-use GPS navigator for today's sophisticated aviator!The GPS III Pilot represents GARMIN's continuing commitment to provide a quality airborne navigation system in a versatile and user-friendly flexible design you'll enjoy for years. [. . . ] The bearing pointer always points to the destination waypoint (or the next waypoint when using a route) relative to the direction you are moving (track). If the bearing pointer points straight ahead, you are heading directly to your destination. If the bearing pointer points any direction other than up, turn toward the arrow until it points up--then continue in that direction. The graphic heading compass at the top of the page indicates the direction you are moving (track). Directly below the heading compass, the highway display provides visual guidance to the destination waypoint and keeps you on your intended course line. Your course is represented by the center line down the middle of the graphic highway. As you head toward your destination, the highway perspective will move to indicate your progress to the waypoint and which direction you should steer to stay on course. If you are navigating a route, the highway display will show each route waypoint in sequence, with the route course indicated by a black highway. Five available scale settings allow you to zoom in or out on the highway display for a smaller or larger view. The current scale setting, ranging from 1X to 16X, appears on the lower right corner of the highway display. Press the IN zoom key to decrease the scale and show a smaller view area. As the identifier is entered, the GPS III Pilot will scroll through the database, displaying any waypoints with the same identifier letters you have entered to that point. When the desired waypoint is displayed, press ENTER. Waypoints are selected by identifier (or name). Enter the desired identifier in the waypoint identifier field, using the rocker keypad. ?NOTE: The GPS III Pilot uses International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) identifiers to designate airports. For example, `LAX' becomes `KLAX' and `JFK' becomes `KJFK'. Airport identifiers that use numbers, such as `H34' or `7M5', do not use the `K' prefix. When you have entered a waypoint name that is not unique, a Duplicate Waypoint Page appears, prompting you to select the desired waypoint. A list showing each duplicate by waypoint category and region/country makes it easy to identify the correct one. To select the desired waypoint from a list of duplicates, highlight the desired waypoint and press ENTER. If more than one waypoint uses the same identifier, the Duplicate Waypoint Page allows you to choose the correct one. 49 REFERENCE Waypoint Information Pages The `Airport', `VOR' and `NDB' information pages also allow you to retrieve the desired waypoint by entering the facility name or the city name. Use the rocker keypad to highlight the facility name or city name field. [. . . ] ETA at Dest--The estimated time you will reach a GOTO destination, or the final waypoint in a route. ETA at Next--The estimated time you will reach a GOTO destination, or the next waypoint in a route. Fuel--The fuel required to travel from present position to the indicated route waypoint. Glide Ratio (GR)--The ratio of horizontal distance travelled to vertical distance travelled. [. . . ]